
The National Energy Board's Role in Crown Consultation

July 27, 2017


The Supreme Court decides the Clyde River and Chippewas of the Thames cases

Written By David Bursey, E. Bruce Mellett, Radha D. Curpen and Stephanie Ridge

On July 26, 2017, the Supreme Court released two seminal decisions that clarify the role of administrative tribunals, such as the National Energy Board ("NEB"), in fulfilling the Crown’s duty to consult with Indigenous groups. These cases reconcile overlapping aspects of administrative, aboriginal and constitutional law that intersect and often collide in regulatory hearings on natural resource projects.

The principles established in these cases will guide the NEB and other administrative tribunals—federal and provincial—that review and approve projects and activities that may affect aboriginal rights. For project proponents and other participants this much-needed judicial guidance is welcome. The Court has answered long-standing questions about how and where the duty to consult is discharged in regulatory hearings.

In the Clyde River case, the Court overturned the NEB decision because of shortcomings in the review leading to the decision. In the Chippewas of the Thames case, the Court upheld the NEB process. Together, the two cases outline the Court's view on how to reconcile the structured process associated with a quasi-judicial proceeding with the evolving and flexible process of Crown consultation.

Building on earlier duty to consult cases—including, Hydro Quebec (1994), Haida (1984), Taku River (1984), Rio Tinto (2010), and Tsilhqot'in (2014)—the Court clarified several important aspects of an independent regulatory tribunal role.

Important questions still remain following these decisions. If direct Crown engagement with an affected Indigenous group is necessary, how can an independent quasi-judicial tribunal create that opportunity within its process and maintain procedural fairness? Is the power to impose conditions on an approval sufficient to satisfy accommodation requirements when, for example, government compensation may be necessary? What is the extent of a tribunal's power to deal with any issues of justification when aboriginal rights are infringed and the impact cannot be mitigated?

As the Court observed in the Chippewas of the Thames case, "True reconciliation is rarely, if ever, achieved in the courtrooms." (at para. 24) The federal government is pursuing reforms to the federal environmental assessment process and the NEB structure. These cases will inform that initiative.

A more detailed summary of the two cases follows.

Clyde River (Hamlet) v. Petroleum Geo-Services Inc., 2017 SCC 40

Background to the Case

TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum Geo-Services Inc., and Multi Klient Invest AS (the “Respondents”) applied to the NEB for a Geophysical Operations Authorization (“GOA”) to conduct offshore seismic surveys in Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait.

The seismic surveys posed a high risk of adverse and non-compensable environmental effects, including disturbance of the migration route of mammals and fish which the people of Clyde River have depended on for generations for food security and economic, cultural and spiritual well-being. Under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (1993), the Inuit of Clyde River have established treaty rights to hunt and harvest marine mammals and these rights are important to the community.

The NEB launched an environmental assessment in 2012. Several deficiencies were identified in the Respondent’s consultation efforts. The Respondents could not answer basic questions from affected communities regarding marine mammals at meetings in 2013. The deficiencies led the NEB to suspend the assessment in 2013.

In response, the Respondents filed a 3,926 page document with the NEB. This document was made available online and delivered to the hamlet offices, but the document was largely not translated to Inuktitut. No other efforts were made to ensure the document was available to the communities (many with limited internet access) and the communities’ questions were answered.

The NEB restarted its assessment after the document was filed, but the Appellant and other Inuit organizations noted their dissatisfaction with consultation throughout the assessment process. The Appellant also requested that the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development and the NEB conduct a Strategic Environmental Assessment, but were denied.

The NEB’s final decision to grant the GOA concluded that the Respondent’s efforts to consult with potentially affected Aboriginal groups were sufficient, and that Aboriginal groups had an adequate opportunity to participate in the Environmental Assessment process. The report further noted that the seismic activity could change the migration patterns of marine mammals and affect their traditional harvesting by Inuit communities, but found that testing was unlikely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

After the NEB approved the GOA, several parties applied to the Federal Court of Appeal for judicial review, including the Hamlet of Clyde River, Nammautaq Hunters and Trappers Organization (HTO)—Clyde River, and Jerry Natanine (a resident and the Mayor of Clyde River) (together, the “Appellants”).

Writing for the Federal Court, Dawson JA held that the NEB had been delegated procedural aspects of the duty to consult, and that “…the NEB has a mandate to engage in a consultation process such that the Crown may rely on that process to meet, at least in part, its duty to consult with Aboriginal peoples” (at para. 65).

The Federal Court concluded that while the potential impacts triggered “deep” consultation, the NEB’s process had afforded the Appellants adequately meaningful consultation to satisfy the Crown’s duty to consult, and the Terms and Conditions imposed upon the GOA offered reasonable accommodation (at para. 100).

The Supreme Court of Canada Allowed the Appeal from the FCA Decision

In a unanimous decision, the Court allowed the appeal. The Crown did not meet its duty to consult and the NEB’s decision is quashed.

The Court clarified three issues before explaining why the duty to consult was not met.

All parties agreed that deep consultation was required because the proposed seismic testing posed a high risk to marine mammals to which the Appellants have an established treaty right to hunt and harvest. The consultation provided failed to meet that level of consultation for several reasons.

The Court concluded that, “The consultation process here was, in view of the Inuit’s established treaty rights and the risk posed by the proposed testing to those rights, significantly flawed,” (at para. 52) and that the Crown had breached its duty to consult.

The Court also suggested that, where consultation by the administrative body is inadequate, the Crown may fill gaps on a case-by-case basis, address a systematic gap through legislation or regulatory amendments, or seek reconsideration or postponement of a regulatory decision to carry out further consultation before the decision is rendered (at para. 22).

Chippewas of the Thames First Nation v Enbridge Pipelines Inc., 2017 SCC 41

Background to the Case

In July 2012, Enbridge Inc. (“Enbridge”) applied to the NEB for approval under section 58 of the National Energy Board Act to reverse the flow direction of part of its pipeline between Sarnia, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec (“Line 9”). Enbridge also sought approval to increase the transport capacity from 240,000 barrels per day to 300,000 barrels per day and to transport heavy oil (the“Project”). The Project would take place on lands owned by Enbridge, except at one site where additional temporary work space would be required.

Line 9 crosses the traditional territory of Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (“Chippewas of the Thames”)

Enbridge consulted with the Chippewas of the Thames and other Aboriginal groups within 50 kilometres of the Project. The NEB issued notice to 19 potentially affected Indigenous groups, including the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, who were granted funding to participate as an intervenor. They filed evidence and delivered oral argument at the hearing delineating their concerns that the project would increase the risk of pipeline ruptures and spills along Line 9, which could impair their use of the land and the Thames River for traditional purposes.

The NEB issued its decision in March 2014. The NEB acknowledged the potential threat to the Appellant's traditional land use, but found that "any potential Project impacts on the rights and interests of Aboriginal groups are likely to be minimal and will be appropriately mitigated" given the Project's limited scope, the commitments by Enbridge, and the conditions imposed by the NEB.  Further, the Project would occur within Enbridge's existing right of way (at para. 23). 

The Chippewas of the Thames appealed the NEB decision to the Federal Court of Appeal.

Federal Court of Appeal Dismissed the Appeal

In a 2-1 split decision, the majority of the Federal Court dismissed the appeal, and determined that the NEB did not have to determine whether the Crown owed a duty to consult under Haida Nation v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests), 2004 SCC 73 before approving the Project. The majority also held that the NEB had not been delegated the power to fulfil the Crown’s duty to consult from Haida either under the NEB Act or through its response to the Chippewas of the Thames’s request for consultation.

In dissent, Rennie JA noted that the NEB’s approval of a section 58 is final (in contrast to a section 52 application, where final approval lies with Cabinet), so the NEB must consider whether the duty to consult existed and whether it had been discharged (at para. 112).

Supreme Court of Canada Dismissed the Appeal

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal by the Chippewas of the Thames. In doing so, it clarified several issues related to the NEB's role in Crown consultation.

The Court found NEB’s statutory authority was sufficient to satisfy the Crown’s duty to consult. The NEB process gave the Chippewas of the Thames with adequate opportunity to participate in the decision-making process, sufficiently assessed the potential impacts on their rights, and found that those impacts were minimal and could be mitigated. Further, the NEB offered appropriate accommodation through the imposition of conditions on Enbridge (at paras. 51-58).

The Court also commented on several shortcomings in the NEB process that were worth noting but not sufficient to overturn the NEB decision.


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