Ontario Takes Action on Pension Funding Reform

August 4, 2016


Written By Mariette Matos and Susan G. Seller

In November of last year, as part of its 2015 Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review, the Ontario government announced its plans to review the current solvency funding rules for defined benefit (DB) pension plans. The expedited review was to focus on plan sustainability, affordability and benefit security.

On July 26, 2016, Ontario released the results of that review, a consultation paper entitled Review of Ontario’s Solvency Funding Framework for Defined Benefit Pension Plans. The Consultation Paper proposes options for reform of the funding rules for DB single employer pension plans (SEPPs).

What Precipitated the Ontario Government’s Review of the Solvency Funding Rules?

The last significant update to the funding rules for DB plans in Ontario was in 1992 and, at that time, the long-term government of Canada bond yields were at about 9%.  Since 1992, bond yields have fallen precipitously and have remained low for many years now.  At the end of July 2016, the long-term government of Canada bond yield was just 1.60%.  In addition to lower bond yields, since 1992, there have been several updates to the mortality tables required to be used for solvency valuations in order to reflect that retirees are now living much longer. The much lower interest rates, coupled with the increased longevity of retirees, has resulted in solvency valuations becoming the driving force in determining the minimum required funding contributions for most DB plans.  Volatile equity market returns have further exacerbated the funding challenges that DB plan sponsors face. 

As a result of these challenges, Ontario implemented three rounds of temporary solvency relief in 2009, 2012 and 2015.  These temporary solvency relief measures allowed plan sponsors to spread the funding of their solvency deficiencies over longer periods of time.  Despite these measures, the existing solvency funding regime continues to create challenges for DB plan sponsors.  As a result, the Ontario government initiated a review of the solvency funding rules and has started this process by seeking input from various stakeholders on its Consultation Paper by September 30, 2016.

The Background:  Plan Sponsor Concerns

As part of its review, Ontario acknowledged that DB plan sponsors have raised the following concerns:

Two Main Approaches to Solvency Funding Reform

Ontario is considering two broad approaches to reforming the SEPP funding rules:

Under each of these approaches, a number of different options are available.

Approach A – Modified Solvency Funding Rules

Under this approach, the Consultation Paper discusses the following options:

Approach B – Eliminate Current Solvency Funding Requirements and Strengthen Going Concern Funding

Under this approach (which is the approach that has been taken in the Province of Quebec since January 1, 2016), the following options are available:

Any option involving an increased level of benefit protection from the PBGF would also require increased PBGF assessments on the part of DB plan sponsors with Ontario members.

Additional Reform Measures

Ontario is also seeking input on certain additional possible reform measures, including:

What this Means for DB Plan Sponsors

Sponsors of single-employer DB plans in Ontario will be impacted by changes to the funding rules. Plan sponsors may wish to consider providing their input on the options outlined in the Consultation Paper.  The Ontario government is keen to hear from as many stakeholders as possible as it strives to improve the solvency funding requirements in a way that balances the interests of plan members and plan sponsors alike.


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