Federal Court of Appeal: Government Failed to Adequately Consult with First Nations on Northern Gateway

July 25, 2016


Written By David Bursey, Brad Gilmour, Radha Curpen, Jessica Mathewson and Francco De Luca

On June 23, 2016, the Federal Court of Appeal delivered the Northern Gateway Project another procedural setback in its decision on Gitxaala Nation v Canada (2016 FCA 187). In a 2-to-1 split decision, the court overturned the federal Cabinet's June 2014 approval of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline. The majority of the court thought the government’s aboriginal consultation framework was inadequate - "fell well short of the mark". The dissenting judge disagreed.

This decision grapples with issues arising from the intersection of the duty to consult, environmental assessment, and administrative tribunal process. The court asserted that it was not extending any existing legal principles or fashioning new ones. However, the decision responds to many questions about what the duty to consult entails in the context of an environmental assessment that have not been answered until now.

The court singled out the government consultation preceding the Cabinet decision as the weak link in the approval chain. This decision has important practical implications for the review of major energy projects, and those who participate in those reviews. It also has broader implications for the efficient and responsible development of Canada's resources.

Overview of the Process Leading to the Decision

The regulatory process for this project began in 2006, when a Joint Review Panel was established to review the project under the National Energy Board Act (NEB Act) and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). In 2009, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency released a comprehensive consultation framework to outline how the federal Crown would consult with affected aboriginal communities.

The consultation framework established consultation phases

In December 2013, after an 18-month hearing, the Joint Review Panel issued its report, recommending that the project be approved subject to 209 conditions. Phase IV of the government’s consultation program began after the release of the report. During this phase, representatives from the CEA Agency held meetings with First Nation’s representatives to discuss their concerns. In April 2014, those officials prepared a Crown Consultation Report for Cabinet.

In June 2014, the Federal Cabinet approved the project subject to the conditions set out in the Joint Review Panel’s report.

18 Legal Challenges Consolidated into One Proceeding

Numerous First Nations and non-governmental organizations challenged many elements of the regulatory process. The applicants, in various combinations, challenged three separate administrative decisions on the grounds the Crown did not fulfill its duty to consult with aboriginal peoples:

This case consolidated the 18 different applications into a single proceeding that was by the court's account "one of the largest proceedings ever prosecuted by the Court", with over 250,000 documents and multiple parties.

The FCA's Analysis and Decision

Which Administrative Decision Should Be Challenged?

The court concluded that the "primary attack must be against the Governor in Council's Order in Council"1 - the Cabinet's decision in June 2014. The court observed, "No one but the Governor in Council decides anything."2

After considering the other administrative decisions, the court found

The question of which administrative decision may be challenged is important and perplexing in a major project review, given the numerous procedural steps and the interplay between the administrative and executive branches of government. Further, determining how and where the duty to consult is discharged is linked to this analysis of the Crown’s decision-making process.

The Court noted at paragraph 142

In Canada, executive authority is vested in the Crown - the Crown also being subject to the duty to consult Aboriginal peoples - and the Governor in Council is the advisory body, some might say the real initiator, for the exercise of much of that executive authority.

The Standard of Review for Cabinet Decisions - Reasonableness - "Widest Margin of Appreciation"

In arriving at its decision on the project, Cabinet had to balance a broad variety of public interests, “most of which are more properly within the realm of the executive, such as economic, social, cultural, environmental and political matters”.5

The Court found the standard of review for such decisions - founded on the widest consideration of policy and public interest - is reasonableness, based on the principles the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) outlined in the Dunsmuir case. The court held the Cabinet is entitled to the “widest margin of appreciation” in making its discretionary decision under sections 53 and 54 of the National Energy Board Act.”6

In the end, the court concluded the Cabinet’s decision to approve the project was reasonable on the basis of administrative law principles. The deficiency was found in the consultation.

Adequacy of Crown Consultation - Reasonable, Not Perfection, Standard

To set the foundation for its analysis, the court reaffirmed the principles established in the Haida case and then reaffirmed in the Rio Tinto case7

Many aspects of the overall consultation efforts were challenged. In the end, the court found only the Phase IV consultation to be lacking. Before turning to that analysis, it is instructive to review the court's analysis of the other challenges:

The four remaining concerns related to Canada’s consultation during Phase IV. The majority decision dealt with these concerns together and found the Phase IV consultation was unacceptably flawed, for the following reasons.

  1. The timelines for First Nations to respond with their concerns about the JRP Report were too short
    First Nations were given 45 days to advise Canada of their concerns in responses that could not exceed 2-3 pages in length. Although some asked for more time, no extension was allowed. There was no evidence that Canada gave any thought to extending the time.
  2. The Crown Consultation Report given to Cabinet did not accurately portray the concerns of the affected First Nations
    The court noted the report had at least three inaccuracies. Several inaccuracies were expressed to the Crown Consultation Coordinator, but the inaccuracies were conveyed to Cabinet only on the day Cabinet approved the Project.
  3. The dialogue during the Phase IV consultation was not meaningful
    Aboriginal groups were told repeatedly that the Crown Consultation Report must be completed by April 16, 2014, and the Cabinet decision must be made by June 17, 2014. The officials tasked with consulting were only gathering information and were not authorized to make decisions. Given these factors, the court found it was no surprise that important concerns were not considered or discussed.
    … the parties were entitled to much more in the nature of information, consideration and explanation from Canada regarding the specific and legitimate concerns they put to Canada.8
  4. The Crown did not share it strength of claim information
    The Crown assessment of a group's strength of claim affects the scope and the depth of consultation. Despite a commitment from the Minister of Environment to provide a strength of claim assessment and depth of consultation assessment, none were provided.
  5. The Crown did give adequate reasons for its decision
    The Court held that Canada was obliged to give reasons. The reasons given for granting approval based on the public convenience and necessity were sufficient, but "fell well short of the mark" in relation to the duty to consult.9 The Order in Council had one recital on the duty to consult, and it records that consultation was pursued. The lack of reasons caused the court to question if Cabinet had considered the consultation issue and was satisfied that the duty had been fulfilled. The court characterized this absence of information as "a troubling and unacceptable gap".10

In the end, the majority of the court concluded that

Canada offered a brief, hurried and inadequate opportunity in Phase IV - a critical part of Canada's consultation framework - to exchange and discuss information and to dialogue.11

The court also offered that an extension of time in the "neighbourhood of four months" during Phase IV might have been sufficient to resolve the deficiencies.

The Dissenting View

Mr. Justice Ryer did not agree that the Order in Council should be set aside on the basis that Crown consultation during Phase IV was inadequate. He concluded that the alleged imperfections were insufficient to demonstrate that the Crown’s consultations were inadequate. He reaffirmed that the standard to be met in assessing the duty to consult is adequacy, not perfection.

Even if the imperfections had been established, when taken together, they were insufficient to render the Phase IV consultations inadequate.

The Remedy

The Court quashed the Order in Council, which also nullified the NEB Certificates. The matter was remitted back to Cabinet for redetermination.

If Cabinet wishes to order the NEB to issue certificates for the project, it must redo the Phase IV consultation. All affected parties must also have an opportunity to comment on any new recommendations that the coordinating Minister proposes to make to Cabinet.


This case confirms the importance of meaningful consultation with each aboriginal group affected by a proposed project, and also the importance of documenting the consultation carefully. While the Crown will not be held to a standard of perfection, the concerns of aboriginal groups must be accurately represented and meaningfully considered at each stage of the regulatory process.

This decision is a setback for Northern Gateway and a reminder of the challenges and uncertainty proponents face in developing large energy projects in Canada. Many years of study and review of a project do not matter if the consultation with affected aboriginal communities is inadequate. In this case, the efforts of Enbridge and the Joint Review Panel were not the issue. The critical consultation during Phase IV was in the hands of federal government officials.

The inevitable judicial challenges associated with any major project review also add to the uncertainty, time and effort to develop resources and get them to market. The resulting constraint on efficient and responsible economic development diminishes Canada's global competitiveness.

If you have any questions about this decision and how it may affect your organization, please contact one of our regulatory lawyers.


  1. Paragraph 127
  2. Paragraph 121
  3. Paragraph 125
  4. Paragraph 126
  5. Paragraph 140
  6. Paragraph 155
  7. See paragraphs 170 to 181
  8. Paragraph 287
  9. Paragraph 313
  10. Paragraph 322
  11. Paragraph 325


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