Bob Booth Discusses Canadian and US LNG in the SNL Daily Gas Report

March 06, 2013

In the SNL Daily Gas Report article,"Shale Gas Success Fractures Formerly Harmonious North American Relationships," Bob Booth comments on declining U.S. interest in importing Canadian gas. "Right now the view in Canada, from some at least, you could describe as fear and uncertainty regarding our energy trade - fear that Canada's oil and gas industry would be permanently damaged by a new intra-North American shale resource supply surplus, and uncertainty stemming from the harmful regulatory or political delays in both Canada and the U.S. on new pipelines required to transport Canada's trapped oil and gas... U.S. Gulf Coast LNG projects that proceed - even if that's at the expense of Canadian LNG projects that are back out of the Asian market - will create market opportunities for Canadian gas going into traditional U.S. markets and take advantage of existing cross-border pipeline infrastructure," Booth said. "Shale gas that gets trapped in the U.S. is not good for Canada."

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