
Ontario Bill 197: Further Changes to Community Benefit Charges, Development Charges and Parkland Dedications

July 28, 2020


Changes in Developing Our "New Normal"?

Written By Andrew Jeanrie, Robert Blunt and Giovanna Campagna

On July 8, 2020, the Ontario government gave first reading to Bill 197—COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, which aims to create jobs and stimulate economic activity. Of particular interest to the development industry, three schedules to the Omnibus Bill tweak the land use planning regime from last year's Bill 108. Bill 197 received Royal Assent on July 21, 2020.

New Community Benefit Charges and s. 37 of the Planning Act

Schedule 17 of the Bill amends sections 37 and 37.1 of the Planning Act to further amend them as it relates to the community benefit charges against land to pay for the capital costs of facilities, services, and other development related costs by by-law after preparing a communities benefits charge strategy. Community benefit charges may include the costs of development charges on eligible services or parkland, but those costs are only recoverable once.

The community benefit charges will be the most flexible tool available to a municipality, one that can fund almost any municipal service—provided the costs are not being recovered elsewhere and provided the project is a higher density residential development.

Additional amendments to the Planning Act will result in the following:

Revised Parkland Dedications

Parkland dedication is reverting back to something closely resembling the current system, not the complete replacement that was proposed under Bill 108.

The government notes that this policy change reflects the importance of having large public spaces, like parks, that have been a vital to the public throughout the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak and addresses concerns around the Bill 108 proposal which municipalities indicated would have led to less parkland. Bill 197 proposes the following. However, unlike the existing parkland regime, the Planning Act is being amended to clearly provide for checks on the alternative parkland standards that municipalities can enforce in response to judicial interpretations of the previous regime that appeared to prohibit parkland by-law appeals:

Impact on the Development Charges Act, 1997

The Planning Act and the Development Charges Act, 1997 are further blended by the Bill to provide for a more cohesive practice of funding development charges with community benefit charges.

Bill 197 expands the definition of recoverable development charges previously set out in Bill 108. Bill 108 limited the development charges that would be recoverable to "hard" services, like water and wastewater services, electricity, policing, and such other services. Previously considered "soft services", Bill 197 expands that definition to include social services like childcare, affordable housing, long-term care, and emergency preparedness. The stated reason for these changes is to allow municipalities to recover 100 percent against community services that require more attention and support in the COVID and post-COVID environment. With the expansion of these services comes the elimination of the 10-percent discounting. Clearly, the new changes will result in higher development charges than would have occurred under Bill 108.

One positive in the Bill is that it retains the potential exemption from DCs for a “second dwelling unit” in a “prescribed class” of residential dwelling. While the regulation prescribing the class of residential dwelling is still outstanding, this could allow for some interesting projects, particularly with “soft infill” or medium density greenfield.

Other Considerations


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